
Maybe dreams are ways of visualizing subconscious hopes… or fears… or maybe some are ways of foreseeing some event in the future…

I often wonder what my dreams are all about and why I had certain dream after a new experience. I tend to dream about people I care for deeply, whether it’s family or very close friends. Sometimes it’s revisiting a day’s event, or somehow hoping for an event to happen. Sometimes it’s a terrible fear of someone being harmed, or harming me. Sometimes it’s a fear of something new happening that I have never thought about before.

I often sit and daydream about things as well. People, places, and events. At times, I doubt that any of these good dreams would come true, because of past experiences. However, I am never opposed to dreaming, because it keeps my hopes alive and thriving, and it helps my creativity flow. I do however, warn against letting yourself get too hopeful, just in case you are hurt in the process. Dream, but be careful how deeply you hope for it.

On the other hand, don’t let the bad dreams worry you too much. It could be a subconscious fear, but it could also be that salsa you had the night before. 😛

So enjoy your good dreams, don’t overthink the bad dreams, and never be opposed to dreaming, because it keeps you alive in a lot of ways. 🙂

So go and dream a new world, reader.

Dream a new experience.

Simply, dream.

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